-I would have put an offer on the house I saw yesterday and I wouldn't have to worry about things like paint, and drywall, and mortgage rates, and real estate comissions. Actually, if life were a fairy tale, I wouldn't have to pay for it at all, I'd just move in.
-I would be able to stay at home with my beautiful baby and not sit at this stupid desk typing out this blog when I should be working.
-I wouldn't have to worry about what my job will look like next year, or what school I'll be working in, or how much money I'll be making. In fantasyland, money grows on trees.
-I would be the weight I wanted without having to do things like diet or exercise.
-Honey would look like Taye Diggs, but still have Honey's personality.
-I was about to insert something about my parents being reliable and free of flaws and demons, but parents are always screwed up in fairy tales, so that part has to stay the same.
Alas, I don't live in fantasyland, or even on fantasy island (The plane! The plane!). Instead I live in my normal everyday life. Which if I sit back and think about it, is pretty good. I have a wonderful family (parents included) who have flaws like everyone else, but who love me everyday and support my every move. I have a job (even if some days I hate it) and a house that I can afford (because of the job I hate). I am well aware of the fact that there are people around me that have far less and need far more. I think instead of living in a fairy tale, I should live in my life, go leave fairy tales to Tim Burton or Walt Disney.
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