Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I was gonna start this post with some cheesy quote about home. But it means different things to everyone. At its simplest home is where ever Honey, Lovey, and Kitten are. That place seems to be changing a bit.

Honey and I bought a new house. We saw it back in October and fell in love. We put in an offer that was rejected but put in another offer in January that was accepted. Not the smartest thing to do while you only have one salary but whatever. Now we just have to sell our house. Our first home. Where both our daughters were conceived. Where we brought both of them home from the hospital. Our home.

It sure does do something funky to your emotions at the thought of packing all that up in boxes and throwing it in a storage unit, but that's exactly what we did. With a deep breath, a little anxiety, and a slightly heavy heart we put our house on the market. Five days later we're a little more stressed but overall fairing well. I do take it personally whenever someone doesn't love what we have loved for five years, but they don't have to. Well, someone does. In the meantime, I'll love it. Until we have a new house to make home.

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