Saturday, January 28, 2012

New favorite show.

Over the years my favorite TV show has changed almost year to year. There are favorites that Honey and I watch together, like LOST (which Honey says is the best show ever created for television). And shows that are "just for me".

My favorite show of childhood would be a tie between the Wonder Years (which you can get on Netflix streaming now-Score!) and Life Goes On. I loved that LGO told a story about a character living with AIDS at a time when AIDS discussions were so taboo. And still are to a large extent. But that show made AIDS accessible to teens and as a teen with a close relative who died of AIDS complication I appreciated that. If you've never checked it out, please do.

My all-time favorite show as an adult is Sex and the City. I own every episode. It was a show that brought me closer to my girlfriends. It helped me appreciate my single status finding my way in my 20s in Boston. It still resonates with so much of my life. I'm also a big fan of Grey's Anatomy for a lot of the same reasons. Over the years it has lost a lot of it's luster, but I still tune in, because I am a very character driven girl in TV, film, and books, and I need to know what happens to these people.

But now. There is a new show in my life. To say that I am obsessed is only putting it mildly. Very mildly. It is a new addiction. I spend far too many hours of the day thinking about it. Downton Abbey. Please tell me you've seen it. I had heard buzz about it when it first cam out but I hadn't watched it. In our house we very rarely watch live TV anymore. It seems impossible with two kids and early bedtimes. So because it wasn't available to watch online I'd never seen it. Until last week. I saw it on Netflix streaming and scooped it up. Addicted. Obsessed. Enthralled. Need I go on? Now I'm hunting down the second season online to watch because I just can't get enough. It's like a high-brow soap opera. A guilty pleasure that doesn't make you feel that guilty. If you haven't seen it, run, don't walk to check it out.

And then come talk to me all about it.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I was gonna start this post with some cheesy quote about home. But it means different things to everyone. At its simplest home is where ever Honey, Lovey, and Kitten are. That place seems to be changing a bit.

Honey and I bought a new house. We saw it back in October and fell in love. We put in an offer that was rejected but put in another offer in January that was accepted. Not the smartest thing to do while you only have one salary but whatever. Now we just have to sell our house. Our first home. Where both our daughters were conceived. Where we brought both of them home from the hospital. Our home.

It sure does do something funky to your emotions at the thought of packing all that up in boxes and throwing it in a storage unit, but that's exactly what we did. With a deep breath, a little anxiety, and a slightly heavy heart we put our house on the market. Five days later we're a little more stressed but overall fairing well. I do take it personally whenever someone doesn't love what we have loved for five years, but they don't have to. Well, someone does. In the meantime, I'll love it. Until we have a new house to make home.