Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Baby fever.

I've got the fever. In a bad way. Recently many of my friends have had babies. Some have been firsts and some have been seconds. I want one. My uterus is hurting just thinking about it. Deb, and Julie, and Kate, and Jacqueline-I blame you. You have all had such beautiful baby girls (Kate actually had two!) in the last few months that I am on squishy baby overload. And I want one of my own. Now.

I know Honey and I have a plan for when Lovie will be graced with a sibling but right now I'd like to throw that plan out the window, throw caution to the wind, and throw myself at Honey in wild-baby-making-abandon. It makes me wonder why we have a plan in the first place. We had a plan the first go round and it didn't work out exactly. It took us many tries, and lots of tears, to make the Lovie. I'm hoping that this time around will be different.

At the same time, I want this time around to start now, not later. Alas, Honey is an equal partner in this game and he isn't to be swayed. I need to spend more time with Deb, Julie, Kate, and Jacqueline and their respective squishy little girls in the near future to hold me off. For a little while at least.


Right now I'm thiking about cupcakes.

Right now I'm craving cupcakes.

Right now I'm going to look at pictures of cupcakes and daydream about eating them.

I will most likely NOT consume a cupcake. (Did you notice I said most likely?) My waistline has been expanding as of late and I cannot continue to let that happen so I need to do things like eat more fruits and veggies and work out and avoid cupcakes and other cakey goodness. So right now I'm going to look at pictures of cupcakes.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Married Love.

While watching TV the following conversation just took place between Honey and I. (I should set the stage by telling you there was a commercial for Kay Jewelers on.)

Me: Are you expecting any love, affection, or merchandise for Valentine's Day?

Honey: (looks up from iPhone momentarily) You're not getting anything.

Me: (hysterical laughter)

Honey: Look at that awesome donut! (A D&D commercial had come on.)

Yup, this is my life, can't make this shit up.

Happy Valentine's Day Honey. I love you, in a non-merchandise-awesome-donut kinda way.

Snow Day!

It's snowing right now. It was supposed to start snowing around 7 this morning so Honey and I had no school. But the weathermen got it wrong and it didn't start snowing heavily until 2ish. Hee hee. I need to be honest and say that this makes me happy.

You see, our house has been germ infested the last two weeks. Lovey had a terrible cold, resulting in lots of vomit, and mucus, and tears (mine and hers). It was the first time in over a year that Lovey's grandfather (her 3-day a week caretaker) called me at work and told me to come home. She started to feel better, and Honey and I immediately started feeling sick. But it toughed it out because I'd taken a day off for Lovey so I went to work sick on Monday. BIG Mistake. Huge. By Tuesday AM I was so sick I could barely get out of bad to call out.

So, today was a gift. Honey, Lovey and I stayed home and were snuggling. Lovey got to dance with her parents as much as she wanted (which is 24/7 these days). She also got to show off her belly button (affectionately called "Ba" by her), which she also loves to do lately. Honey and I also got to take naps. Ah...

This is why I love snow days. They are forced relaxation. There are PLENTY of things I could've done today, especially before it started snowing in ernest. But I just relaxed. Ah...I love snow days.