Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day!

It's snowing right now. It was supposed to start snowing around 7 this morning so Honey and I had no school. But the weathermen got it wrong and it didn't start snowing heavily until 2ish. Hee hee. I need to be honest and say that this makes me happy.

You see, our house has been germ infested the last two weeks. Lovey had a terrible cold, resulting in lots of vomit, and mucus, and tears (mine and hers). It was the first time in over a year that Lovey's grandfather (her 3-day a week caretaker) called me at work and told me to come home. She started to feel better, and Honey and I immediately started feeling sick. But it toughed it out because I'd taken a day off for Lovey so I went to work sick on Monday. BIG Mistake. Huge. By Tuesday AM I was so sick I could barely get out of bad to call out.

So, today was a gift. Honey, Lovey and I stayed home and were snuggling. Lovey got to dance with her parents as much as she wanted (which is 24/7 these days). She also got to show off her belly button (affectionately called "Ba" by her), which she also loves to do lately. Honey and I also got to take naps. Ah...

This is why I love snow days. They are forced relaxation. There are PLENTY of things I could've done today, especially before it started snowing in ernest. But I just relaxed. Ah...I love snow days.

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