Monday, March 26, 2012

My inner voice called and I sent it to voice mail.

On Saturday Kitten had an accident and ended up in the ED. She's fine. Although her Dare Devil status still stands. Now that I've gotten over the mommy guilt of letting her get into a situation where she could hurt herself I found the lesson. Don't ignore your inner voice.

You know the one. Everyone has it. The little thought in your head that tells you something bad is about to happen. Well, I ignored it. And now my kid looks like a prize fighter. The last time I ignored my inner voice was the day Kitten was born. I knew I was in labor but somehow I ignored the voice. Kitten was born an hour after I got to the hospital. And then there was the time my inner voice told me to go in the basement because there was a tornado. But I ignored the voice. It was a tornado.

I wonder why it is that this voice gets ignored so much. Is it because we think we are invincible? Do we assume it's worth the risk and nothing bad can happen? I wish I knew. It does no good to ignore it. Whatever the reason I think I've finally gotten the strong dose of reality to ensure that I will always listen to it again.

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