Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas wrapping.

When I thought of the title for this post I immediately thought of rapping. Like, maybe I should break into song a la Tupac or Ice T (oh wait-Ice T's an actor now). But you don't want to hear me attempt to rap, and that's not what this is about anyway.

As Christmas draws near and my list is slowly getting shorter last night I found myself on the living room floor with a brand new tube of wrapping paper and a pile o' presents. I have come to despise wrapping gifts. I blame Honey for this. He uses what we have affectionately dubbed "Honey Wrap". Which is simply your gift in the bag he bought it in. To make it a surprise, Honey will tell you to close your eyes and will unveil the gift from the plastic bag and hold it out in front of you. Every single gift I've ever received from Honey in the almost 6 years we've been together has been given to me in this way. With the exception of my engagement ring.

Let us pause from my story to discuss that for a minute. Honey had a great proposal and said some beautiful things about the strength of our love and then handed me a wrapped box. Yes ladies, wrapped ring. Any woman can tell you that the only time she wouldn't want a gift wrapped was her engagement ring. This part of our engagement story is still funny to me to this day.

Ok, back to my point. Due to Honey's lackadaisical efforts in the wrapping department (the jewelry store wrapped the ring BTW) I've come to hate the act. It wastes time, it wastes paper, it requires clean up. Somehow, Christmas is different. I love the wonder of it all, and I'm someone who hates surprises and tends to spoil them for myself. I love the look of the piles under the tree. I love that Honey takes forever to unwrap a gift while I impatiently try to see what's inside. Lovey is obsessed with dolls right now. She loves her little dolly so much that BeBe is the first thing she looks for in the morning. We got her a doll stroller for Christmas this year. I cannot wait to see her rip into that package. She is going to be so excited. I can hear her little squeal now. I'm getting excited just thinking about it. Bring on Christmas. Only two more sleeps. That, and a few more gifts to wrap. Maybe I'll do the last few Honey style.

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