Monday, November 17, 2008

New Year's Resolution

Last Monday was my (ahem) 32nd birthday. Or as my friend Deb likes to call it: The 3rd anniversay of my 29th birthday. Big things happened this year. It was a year ago on my birthday I found out I was pregnant. Nothing prepares you for the life changes that await you with becoming a mother.

My little Lovie's birth gave me a wake up call that while I don't want to be a SAHM, I don't want to keep up with the "real" job either. So, I decided not to wait until January to make a New Year's resolution. Basically, now that my birthday has passed, this is a new year for me. My resolution wasn't to lose weight or work out more (although my extra 20 lbs might disagree). In fact, I resolved to blog. Daily. This is the short term goal that will hopefully get me to the long term goal of writing a book. The craziness of life is getting in the way of me writing and that needed to change. This seemed to be the quickest way to make that happen. Hopefully, the simple act of blogging will make ditching the "real" job a reality. (Insert wishful thinking here.) Now, ask me home many times I've blogged since I made this resolution. You guessed it...once. Isn't that what New Year's resolutions are all about: making them and then failing to make them happen? My plan is to change that. Wish me luck!

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